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Site Seach

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  • Technical documentation: Site
Chapter details

The site search functionality determines which of the content types (and their properties) used in the selected website are searchable, i.e. will be indexed by the Lucene service. The site search bundles are located in the package and its subpackages. The bean interface here is the ISiteFunctSearchConfig and the bean itself – SiteFunctSearchConfig. This bean doesn't have its own id but uses the proxy of the website it belongs to. SiteFunctSearchConfig implements the com.tetracom.atlas.categorization.api.bean.ITermSet interface which is the i-Publisher's system tree interface. The content indexed content types are represented as a forest of two- or three-leveled trees. Each of these trees has content types root nodes (ISearchContentTypeTerm) and content properties leaves (ISearchContentPropertyTerm). There may be inner nodes – virtual properties (ISearchVirtualPropertyTerm). The virtual property combines some of the content type's properties so they act as one property for the indexing service. The other attributes in the SiteFunctSearchConfig are the configuration of the scheduler, i.e. define when and how often the website's content will be indexed.

The database level:

  • atlas.site_func_search – the main table containing the state and the schedule configurations;

  • atlas.site_func_search_rel – a join table containing the content types forest. If there is no entry for a certain content type, it is indexed by default.